We Found The Most Bookmark-Worthy Vintage Sellers On eBay

Here on the Shopping team, we’ve been using eBay to source secondhand and vintage clothing since Web 1.0 (OK, if not the beginnings of the internet at least the early years of online shopping). There’s very little that can’t be had on the massive marketplace, and we’ve indulged many throwback whims with the help of eBay’s super-granular search tools — just ask our EIC Christene Barberich how she hacks the site with cleverly specific search terms. However, a lot has changed since our days of vintage-hunting infancy: eBay is now in the business of selling absolutely everything, and secondhand merchandise is only a small fraction of offerings that include Apple products, premium household appliances, and brand-new designer finds.Despite its foray into omni-retail-dom, we still use the site anytime we have an itch for vintage sterling silver jewelry, a pair of perfectly broken-in Levi’s, or a Batsheva-style prairie dress of the OG variety. And while we’re often hot on the t



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