31 Hot Girl Summer-Worthy Looks To Try In August

As much as it hurts us to say, the end is almost here — of summer, that is. Before we know it, our carefree summer lifestyle will be replaced by all nighters, awkward holiday gatherings, and Friday office hours that don\'t end at 3pm. But instead of focusing on summer\'s imminent demise, we\'re choosing to enjoy the few short weeks we do have left. And by that I mean, we\'re fitting in as many hot girl summer looks as possible in the next 31 days.But what exactly is hot girl summer? Megan Thee Stallion, queen of the hot girl summer movement, told The Root that \"it\'s about women and men being unapologetically them, just having a good-ass time, hyping up their friends, doing you.\" From mini slip dresses with slinky pull strings to two-piece sets that rival your hottest string bikini, we\'re taking August as an opportunity to have a \"good-ass time\" and do us.Click through the slideshow for a month\'s worth of ~hot girl summer~ worthy looks ???.If you look in Webster\'s Dictionary unde



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