Refinery29 Readers Confess Their Amazon Hidden Gems

Amazon is essentially an IRL version of Ariel\'s treasure trove, famously detailed in her The Little Mermaid number, \"Part Of Your World.\" Only instead of a cavernous hole 1000 leagues under the sea, all that \"neat\" stuff is housed on digital shelves across the web. And, instead of useless, \"whozits,\" \"whatzits,\" and, \"thingamabobs,\" Amazon\'s best booty is a collection of secret weapon stuff that we never knew we needed and now we that we have it, simply can\'t live without — a collection we\'ve come to call, the hidden gems.Since this particular online product ocean runs deep, we decided to poll an in-the-know pool of online-shopping mermaids across the country for their absolute favorite buys. From fashion to tech, beauty, travel, home decor, and health and wellness, the hidden gems\' list ahead covers products so unique that you may be entirely surprised to find they were snagged off Amazon. Scroll on to shop our secret treasure trove of Amazon\'s hidden gems and become a part of a wor


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