Rihanna, Queen Of Inclusivity, Debuted Body Diverse Mannequins At Her Fenty Pop-Up

Rihanna is continuing to shake up the fashion and beauty industry with her Fenty releases. First, she gave us 40 foundation shades for every skin color and we died. Then, she gave us a plus-size-inclusive lingerie line and we died all over again.Now she’s giving us diverse mannequins and, basically, I don’t know how anyone has edges anymore.Rihanna debuted a new line of clothing called 6-19 on June 18 at her Fenty NYC pop-up, and chose to display the clothes on a group of size diverse mannequins. Specifically, the company used a mannequin with a full figure that had hip dips and a belly pouch. In response, many Rihanna fans thanked the Fenty brand for allowing them to see themselves in what is otherwise a world of skinny mannequins that perpetuate archaic beauty standards.“We have our fit models, which is the standard size from factories, you just get your samples made in one size. But then, I want to see it on my body, I want to see it on a curvy girl with thighs and a little bi
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