In Case You Were Wondering, Tie-Dye Is Still Going Strong​

After seeing tie-dye on runways across the globe last season, our editors hailed the print as the up and coming trend of the fall season. ​Thankfully ​those colorful swirl​s​ ​didn\'t ​get swept up with ​the leaves a few months back. ​T​he nostalgic style​ —​ generally associated with the \'60s, Woodstock, surfing, ​or your childhood summer camp​ — is no longer the throwback in your #tbt. Even if you didn\'t get on board with our editors last fall, you\'ll be delighted to discover that the trend flourishes in the spring and summer.Gone are the days that you\'ll find yourself hand dyeing white tees with your camp counselors. In 2019, tie-dye has gone far beyond the simple tee into the realm of fashion (and nails, too!). Whether it\'s a night in with a cute matching set, or grabbing cocktails on the eve of your best friend\'s destination wedding... there\'s a tie-dye ensemble perfect for every occasion. We\'ve pulled some of the best tie-dye pieces out there for thos


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