Channel Your Inner Child With These Designer Cartoon Collaborations
What is it about childhood cartoons that causes heart palpitations in the hearts of so many shoppers? It seems like almost every week a new brand — in categories from footwear to high fashion — is announcing a new collaboration with a throwback character that most of us remember watching on Saturday morning TV or reading in the comics section of the newspaper. And you know what? As constant as this stream of collaborations is, and as much product that we as editors see, I — yes, switching to “I” now — don’t think we’ll ever get tired of it. Every collaboration announcement brings a smile to our faces, no matter how many times we’ve seen an all-over Mickey print.So it was with no shortage of delight and excitement that we tackled this round-up of our favorite cartoon character collaborations. Bear in mind that this list is by no means exhaustive — it just consists of some of the best ones we’ve seen in the last few years. Since many coveted collaborations are long
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