29 Dresses That Do Double Duty With Pockets

We all know the feeling — you waltz into your favorite boutique on your lunch break (or, let’s be real, over the weekend) for a little inspiration. Maybe you had a recent windfall, and you’re finally ready to try on that springy shift that’s been calling to you from the window for weeks. You grab your size, head into the fitting room, and slip it on. You twirl. So far, so good! Then comes the make or break moment: you instinctively reach for the side seams to slide your hands into —Nothing. You are wearing a dress with no pockets.Turning back to the mirror, you contemplate. The item in question is so cute, and you can definitely envision it on weekly rotation in your summer work wardrobe; or subtly wowing all of your college friends at the one of five weddings you have to attend this summer. But are you really going to commit to a dress without pockets? Nowhere to slide a phone, a business card, a dry cleaning receipt? Nowhere to put your hands while you need to look unbother
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