How To Get This Ultimate Cool Girl's Signature Style
You know them well: Those people whose Instagram feeds are on point, all the time. Their aesthetic is so cohesive that when you see their photos, you immediately recognize them. And whether that\'s thanks to a certain filter or their unmistakable style, it leaves you double-tapping again and again. With our new column, Shop The Aesthetic , we\'re unpacking everything you need to get the look of your favorite social media star. Consider this a recipe for Insta-success.Caution: Gia Seo\'s Instagram may make you completely re-evaluate your own personal style. She inspires you to rethink neon orange, to forget everything you thought about layering, and consider dropping $65 on an Aimé Leon Dore baseball cap. “You can call me a no label, non-loyalist dresser. I never know what to expect, especially after laundry day. I really enjoy that I re-learn or discover something new most days,” Gia tells Refinery29. That\'s what\'s so appealing about her style: she doesn\'t take herself too seriousl
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