30+ Gifts That'll Make Shopping For Guys A Whole Lot Easier

We\'re pretty confident when we say the things in the many, many gift guides we\'re publishing this year aren\'t just for women. We know plenty of people who\'d get a kick out of a bonsai forest growing kit, a leather iPhone case — hell, even these light-up chopsticks — regardless of their gender. But for every bra set and tube of mascara we\'ve put into a gift guide, the slideshow ahead should give you ideas for those on your shopping list who prefer things on the other end of the spectrum.And trust us when we say there’s something for everyone. We’ve got presents for your uncle, your brother, your father, and your half-cousin twice-removed — and, lest we not forget your S.O., your work bro, wingman, and best friend who has an uncanny ability to pick the best spot for dinner. What\'s more, we\'re also catering to those whose style is influenced by their respective coasts, meaning we didn\'t forget you surfers out there, too.Click through to see what we’ve got on our lists, from a



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