The Ferran Adrià Interview You Need to See


Chef Ferran Adrià is always great to listen to and in a new interview, brought to our attention by our friends over at New Worlder, he raps on everything from territory, to anthropology to his mother’s cooking.

The interview appears on the Caso de Carbonara YouTube channel, which is run by a food obsessed professor of cultural history at a university in Brazil, named João Grinspum Ferraz, and is part of a series called Retratos, which examines cultural relationships between food, drink and the contemporary world. The interview is the first of season four.

Adrià, ever the academic, delves into topics such as what territory in cooking actually means, the limitations of the 0km approach, which, he says, they were doing back at elBulli in the late 1980s, and the importance of objectivity as a cook, even when discussing the family meal: “If I put myself in an objective level as a cook, [my mother] wasn’t the best cook even in the neighborhood. You see, we have to be objective because, if not, the emotional sentiment versus pragmatism is complex.”

The video clocks in at 21 minutes, but it’s worth watching through to the end, and of course, once Adria starts talking, you’ll want to listen. Once you’re done with that, check out another unmissable video of Adria, this time explaining avant-garde cuisine using a bunch of grapes at the MAD symposium in Copenhagen.


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