Chef Bans Online Reviewer For Life


We’ve written about Gary Usher before: he’s the chef, you may remember, who crowdfunded a number of restaurants in the Northwest of England. He's also someone who isn’t afraid to bite back against online reviewers.

Case in point is his latest response to a customer who complained about his meal at Usher's Sticky Walnut restaurant recently. The customer felt his fish wasn't fresh, received a more expensive fish dish as a replacement, which he enjoyed, and then refused to pay for it. It's not clear whether he would have paid had the more expensive dish been offered at the price of the original cheaper one. The customer then signed up to Trip Advisor, below, to share the story.

Usher wasn’t having any of it however, posting a reply that included him banning said customer from all of his restaurants. In it he accuses the cutomer of looking for a freebie, calling him lacking in "grace and good manners." Read his response in full below. Usher also decided to share the exchange on social media, drawing both support and criticism.

What do you think, did this chef go too far? Let us know over on our Facebook page, and further down, watch an awkward video of Usher being read bad Trip Advisor reviews to his face!

STICKY @StickyWalnut

I love our guests. We do comp meals regularly when we feel the experience didn’t meet our own standards.

In this case we choose not to.
