Melbourne Free Street Art Exhibition ACDC Lane and Duckboard Place
If you know where to look, there is a rich crop of street art to be found throughout the city. Some of the best spots may be dangling right under your very nose. Forget the ugly graffiti known as 'tagging' you see rudely scrawled on houses and billboards. These are some truly inspired art pieces that add some color and soul to our city.
You may want to phone a friend to come with you down this particular lane-way. While the initial entry off Flinders Lane is fairly user friendly, the back area behind restaurants and bars has a somewhat foreboding atmosphere.
ACDC Lane is the black sheep in the commissioned lane-way street art family. It has a somewhat abandoned feel to it, q neglected idea that once was, with torn posters and faded advertisements peeling off the walls line the street. However there are some beautiful pieces to be seen and is still well worth a visit.
Following ACDC Lane around the bend will find you on Duckboard Place. These two lane-ways join together in a city street u-bend.
Duckboard Place has a far less abandoned atmosphere surrounding it, even though it is only one street down from ACDC Lane.
Like many of Melbourne’s laneways, AC/DC lane has had an interesting recent past. Re-badged from the oh-so-droll ‘Corporation Lane’ in 2004, the eponymous street had Melbourne two-fold sighing in ‘they've done it again’ exasperation before realizing that – wait, what – what’s AC/DC go to do with Melbourne?
Yes, that’s right. You know the video clip to the legendary hard-rock song It’s a Long Way to the Top? The one where they legendarily rock out down a street on the back of a flattop truck? Well, that street is Swanston Street, circa 1975.
But that means we name a lane after them? It feels a little, well, Sydney. This is Melbourne — we’re quietly, not loudly proud of our success; celebrities here aren't celebrated, they’re just one of us that made it big. Re-appropriating a lane to honor a band — no matter how great — feels tacky, and distinctly un-Melbourne.
Nevertheless, here we are. With generous thanks to the scatter-gun approach of the City of Melbourne’s PR agency, and in the tradition of the star-lined Dame Edna lane, Melbourne has added AC/DC lane to her collection — whether she wanted it or not.
You may want to phone a friend to come with you down this particular lane-way. While the initial entry off Flinders Lane is fairly user friendly, the back area behind restaurants and bars has a somewhat foreboding atmosphere.
ACDC Lane is the black sheep in the commissioned lane-way street art family. It has a somewhat abandoned feel to it, q neglected idea that once was, with torn posters and faded advertisements peeling off the walls line the street. However there are some beautiful pieces to be seen and is still well worth a visit.
Following ACDC Lane around the bend will find you on Duckboard Place. These two lane-ways join together in a city street u-bend.
Duckboard Place has a far less abandoned atmosphere surrounding it, even though it is only one street down from ACDC Lane.
Like many of Melbourne’s laneways, AC/DC lane has had an interesting recent past. Re-badged from the oh-so-droll ‘Corporation Lane’ in 2004, the eponymous street had Melbourne two-fold sighing in ‘they've done it again’ exasperation before realizing that – wait, what – what’s AC/DC go to do with Melbourne?
Yes, that’s right. You know the video clip to the legendary hard-rock song It’s a Long Way to the Top? The one where they legendarily rock out down a street on the back of a flattop truck? Well, that street is Swanston Street, circa 1975.
But that means we name a lane after them? It feels a little, well, Sydney. This is Melbourne — we’re quietly, not loudly proud of our success; celebrities here aren't celebrated, they’re just one of us that made it big. Re-appropriating a lane to honor a band — no matter how great — feels tacky, and distinctly un-Melbourne.
Nevertheless, here we are. With generous thanks to the scatter-gun approach of the City of Melbourne’s PR agency, and in the tradition of the star-lined Dame Edna lane, Melbourne has added AC/DC lane to her collection — whether she wanted it or not.
Cherry Bar
AC/DC Lane
Melbourne VIC 3000
Tel. 03 9639 8122
Postal address: Basement 103-105 Flinders Lane, Melbourne VIC 3000
Cherry is pretty much the best rock n’ roll bar in the world.
Cherry Bar was founded in late 1999, today it is owned by founding partners Jim Bourke, Lazy Pete and James Young.
Cherry is the only business located in world famous AC/DC Lane Melbourne (off Flinders Lane and between Russell and Exhibition Streets) right in the heart of the Melbourne business district. A jewel in the junk heap or maybe an annoying boil on corporate arse cheeks?
Despite its modest 200 capacity Cherry is an internationally famous late night street rock n’ roll bar. Quality local acts play live (always finishing by 11.30pm), then DJs keep the joint jumping till the wee hours.
Cherry has become the destination for local, interstate and international bands to descend upon and party after they’ve finished playing live themselves. We don’t need to name drop. You never know who you might meet at Cherry.
Business hours:
Mon: 5pm – 3am (Cherry Jam Mondays – Free)
Tues: 6pm – 3am (Free – Residency)
Wed: 6pm – 3am (Free – Residency)
Thurs: 5pm – 5am (Soul Night, $10 from 8pm)
Fri: 5pm – 5am ($13 from 8pm for bands, $10 from 11pm)
Sat: 5pm – 5am ($13 from 8pm for bands, $10 from 11pm)
Sun: 2pm – 3am (Blues, $5 from 2pm)
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