Grand BBQ Target Centre Melbourne

This cold Melbourne weather is making me hungry all the time and my simple lunch is not cutting it anymore! I long for something hot or hearty to fill me up. One problem I find with having a heavy lunch is that I start to feel sleepy by mid-afternoon… which is fine if I am at home and can have a nanny nap, but not so much when I am sitting in the office at my desk!

I come for the tasty yong tao. What is yong tao foo? It is like an assortment of small vegetables/tofu stuffed with fish paste. You order from the front counter and they give you a ticket. Once your dish is ready, one of the staff call out your number and you collect it yourself. You also have to help yourself to your own cutlery, sauces and tea. A word of warning, the place does get extremely busy during lunchtime so you will probably end up having to share tables. The turnover is high and everyone eats and goes, so a spare seat will open up eventually – just hope that it is before your order is ready!

Located in the Target Centre food court, Grand BBQ provides hungry lunch-goers with generous servings of Chinese take-away cuisine.

Try the curry laksa, wonton noodle soup or soup with young tofu. Heartier meals include freshly cooked egg noodle dishes and roast meat on rice, accompanied by fragrant Chinese tea.

Target Centre
222-244 Bourke Street
Melbourne VIC 3000


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